Common defence policy - the legal framework for the development of the European defence industry
More about the research objective
The research team is still being set up. It is envisaged to invite members from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
The concept of the study group "The legal framework for the development of the European defence industry within the Common Security and Defence Policy" refers to the legal framework of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy, which is the primary normative basis for the research; the study will also focus, albeit to a lesser extent, on the internal legislation of the EU Member States.
The group includes legal and non-legal experts from a number of Central European countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Romania), which guarantees an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the subject.
The main objective of the research is to identify areas for improvement and legal development by formulating de lege ferenda recommendations for amending EU law in order to ensure an optimal legal environment for the effective development of the defence industry in Europe and the EU Member States. Other objectives of the research include presenting the state of the art of legal development in the field of the Common Security and Defence Policy, identifying and systematising areas of defence innovation and identifying best practices in domestic legislation in some Central European countries.
The research is divided into four main parts, dealing with (1) the general policy of the Common Security and Defence Policy, (2) the legal basis of the Common Security and Defence Policy, (3) the European and national defence industries and their legal environment, and (4) possible areas of defence innovation and the legal framework in these areas.
Professors in the research group
group leader
The publishing house's mainly English-language books and journals help to build dialogue between the national scientific communities of the Central European region, and enable high quality scientific output to be disseminated outside the region.
Shielding Europe with the Common Security and Defence Policy: The EU Legal Framework for the Development of an Innovative European Defence Industry in Times of a Changing Global Security Environment
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