Shielding Tomorrow: CSDP and Defence Developments in Central Europe

Start of the event

2024. 03. 07.

End of the event

2024. 03. 08.


CEA, Hungary

On March 7-8, 2024, the Central European Academy organised a conference entitled "Shielding Tomorrow: CSDP and Defence Developments in Central Europe", with the cooperation of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Miskolc, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Association for Comparative Law. 

The aim of the conference was to present the results of research carried out by members of the research team, focusing on key issues related to the Common Security and Defence Policy in the light of the development of the European defence industry.

Photo: CEA Press

*The event is private and by invitation only.

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Katarzyna Zombory
János Ede Szilágyi
Karl-Heinz Gimmler
Anna Éva Molnár
Andrzej Pawlikowski
Krzysztof Masło
Tamás Csiki Varga
Bálint Kovács
Jan Mazal
János Székely
Iztok Prezelj
Marko Jurić
Attila Horváth
Katarzyna Malinowska
Zvonko Trzun
Kaja Kowalczewska
Miha Šepec
Stjepan Groš
Tomasz Kisielewicz
Grzegorz Ocieczek
Barbara Kaczmarczyk


Paweł Czubik
János Székely
Katarzyna Zombory
Karl-Heinz Gimmler
Bálint Kovács
János Ede Szilágyi


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