The CEA warmly congratulates the professors of the academy!

The Central European Academy warmly congratulates one of the leaders of the Academy's Professorial Network and one of the Theme Leaders of the Junior Programme on the awards presented by the University of Miskolc.

On 6 September 2024, Dr. Katarzyna Zombory, the leader of the 2023 Professors’ Network research group on Common defence policy, received from the University of Miskolc a Pro Facultate Iurisprudentiae award in recognition of her contribution to fostering the international relations of the Faculty of Law; as well as an award for her scientific publication activity in the field of law (Miskolci Egyetem Kiváló Tudományos Szerzője 2023).

Prof. Dr. Attila Dudás, full professor at the University of Novi Sad and thesis supervisor of Ph.D. students at the Central European Comparative Law (CECL) program of the Deak Ferenc Doctoral School of the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc, has received on 6 September 2024 an award Signum Aurerum Facultatis for his contribution to the CECL programme and the international relationships of the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc.

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