On the 20th and 21st of January, PhD students of the Central European Academy were given a supervisor lecture by Prof. Dr. Suzana Kraljić from the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor. Professor's presentation, titled "Patient's right through time: From the First Steps to the Digital Era" delved into the topical isues in relation to patient's rights and medical law.
The lecture draw a historical overview of the key stones of medical law, about its biginnings in India, Greece and Egypt, including the introduction to the founding fathers of medicine and their work, the development of the dentistry, nursery and paliative care, etc. Furthermore, the PhD students learned about the 14 fundamental patients rights and their connection to many of the fundamental human rights. Through the lecture, Prof. Dr. Kraljić presented many interesting cases, Slovenian as well as international ones, exposed the topical issues, which often occur in practice and assessed them according to the Slovenian law. The latter opened the floor for fruitful disccussions on different regulations on particularities amongst the States in the Central European Area.

Photo: CEA Press