2 December 2022 – Online conversation
On December 2, 2022 from 20:00 pm to 20:30 pm there was a webinar on „Parental responsibility in polish jurisprudence” organized in cooperation with the Central European Academy and prepared by Michał Poniatowski, PhD. The event was attended by students from the Stefan Wyszyński University. Information about the event was posted on the University’s website:
The link to the online meeting was: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3agfVb7v67lZzLndb8EDYwsPEv4BG1M3qOd9ZsVQ1KIHU1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=eb879d43-2434-4b97-91a0-b93153071104&tenantId=12578430-c51b-4816-8163-c7281035b9b3
The event was attended by students from Stefan Wyszyński University. The following topics were presented during the webinar: 1) Introduction, 2) The concept of parental authority, 3) The subjective aspect, 4) The objective aspect, 5) Formal aspect, 6) Conclusions
The event was attended by students from UKSW. The webinar was in English and was recorded in both video and audio.