Dr Katarzyna Zombory, the Research Director of the Central European Academy, took part in the international conference “Advancing Human Rights and Safeguarding Minority Protections: International Framework and Domestic Legislation”, held in Tbilisi on 4 October 2024 by the International Law Institute (Tbilisi State University, Georgia). Dr. Zombory gave a presentation on the “Remedies for the Violation of Minority and Indigenous Rights in the Practice of International Human Rights Bodies.”, among renowned speakers such as Professor Lado Chanturia, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, and Professor Anja Seibert-Fohr, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights.
Following the conference, Dr Katarzyna Zombory delivered a lecture for the law students from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia participating in the Autumn School “Youth Empowerment: A Collaborative Forum for Equality and Inclusion”, on the topic of religious rights of minority and indigenous children.