PhD Thesis Workshop

Start of the event

2024. 10. 07.

End of the event

2024. 10. 07.


CEA, Hungary

On 7 October, the Central European Academy hosted a PhD Thesis Workshop, which gave fourth-year doctoral students the opportunity to practice defending their dissertation research. The workshop simulated a real thesis writing process, allowing our candidates to gain experience in presenting their work, responding to critics and dealing with peer reviewers' questions. During the workshop, PhD students gave presentations summarising their research findings and key hypotheses. Their peers then provided constructive feedback and asked questions about their research. The PhD students had the opportunity to answer these questions and demonstrate their ability to defend their research.The workshop culminated in an open Q&A session where the PhD candidates answered questions from the audience. This experience helped to prepare our doctoral candidates for the challenges they will face during the formal examinations in the 2024/2025 academic year.

Photo: CEA Press

*The event is private and by invitation only.

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Kaja Anetta Hopej
Dr. Bianka Horváth
Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Myszona-Kostrzewa
Zsófia Nagy
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Korać Graovac
Ivan Jokanović
Dr. Milan Hlušák
Dr. Martin Milán Csirszki
Rebecca Lilla Hassanová
Prof. Dr. Barbara Janusz-Pohl
Dr. Nóra Béres
Ádám Pál
Dr. Anna Vartasová
Dr. Gábor Hulkó


Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Malinowska
Dr. Andrea Erdősová
Prof. Dr. Attila Dudás
Dr. Katarína Šmigová
Prof. Dr. Michal Radvan


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