Legal Cultural Evening – Hungarian

Start of the event

2024. 10. 14.

End of the event

2024. 10. 14.


CEA, Hungary

The Hungarian Cultural Evening was organized by the Central European Academy for the second time, this time to introduce Hungarian legal customs, traditions and specialties to the guests from Central European countries. During the presentations, we heard about legal traditions and symbols, famous buildings where legal work is done, as well as about renowned Hungarian law professors and the Hungarian legal education system. Those who memorised the most information during the presentations left with a gift. The event was enlivened by songs about the legal profession, sung by the audience, evoking the atmosphere of the famous lawyers' balls, and ended with a good-humoured lawyers' dance, a version of the famous Hungarian folk dance tailored for lawyers.

Photo: CEA Press

*The event is private and by invitation only.

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Dóra Szikszai
Benjámin Kerekes
Enikő Krajnyák
Zsófia Farkas


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