Hungarian Cultural Event

Start of the event

2023. 10. 16.

End of the event

2023. 10. 16.


CEA, Hungary

In 2023 the Central European Academy initiated an exciting series of nationality evenings. On the 16th of October, we hosted a Hungarian cultural event that allowed our colleagues to delve deeper into our shared heritage and traditions. The aim of this program is to foster a greater understanding of each other's cultures and promote diversity.

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Rebecca Lilla Hassanová
Enikő Krajnyák
Judita Juharová
Miklós Mádl
Zsófi Farkas
Zsófia Nagy
Ágota Szekeres
Kinga Ilyés
Gellért Nagy
Csaba Szabó
János Ede Szilágyi
Ádám Pál
Bence Zsolt Kovács
László Mezey
Emma Szitás


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