2024 JAEL Environmental Protection Conference

Start of the event

2024. 09. 27.

End of the event

2024. 09. 27.


CEA, Hungary

The Central European Academy organised a conference entitled '2024 JAEL Environmental Protection Conference' on 27 September 2024.

The conference series was created in cooperation with CEA, CEDR - Hungarian Agricultural Law Association, the University of Miskolc and other partners, choosing the name of one of the leading scientific journals in Central Europe focusing on environmental law and natural resources regulation as a distinctive feature. The name JAEL in the name of the conference refers to the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental (https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/JAEL).

In defining the themes of this conference, we have drawn heavily on the environmental issues of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Environment Council in 2024, which are also presented in JAEL 36. Thus, the JAEL Conference programme focuses on issues of illegal waste disposal and the regulatory issues of circular economy.

Photo: CEA Press

*The event is private and by invitation only.

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Anikó Raisz
Lana Ofak
Gabriella Szamek
Laura-Cristiana Spartaru-Negura
Matúš Michalovič
Jiří Vodička
Marcin Wielec
Ján Skrobák
Vojtech Vomacka
László Uhri


János Ede Szilágyi
Katarzyna Zombory
Enikő Krajnyák


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