In legibus fundamentum rei publicae

“In legibus fundamentum rei publicae” is a publication edited by Prof. Marcin Wielec, Prof. Paweł Sobczyk and PhD Bartłomiej Oręziak available through the Publishing House of the Institute of Justice.

A well-crafted legal framework is the cornerstone of a functional state, as highlighted in this publication. The book explores modern legal challenges across four key areas: artificial intelligence (AI) in law, rights of the elderly, mediation, and administrative justice. It offers a comparative perspective by discussing solutions from countries like Slovakia, Croatia, and Ukraine. This comprehensive work delves into the integration of AI within legal systems, examining its implications for law enforcement, judicial processes, and ethical considerations. By addressing the rights of the elderly, the publication sheds light on the evolving legal standards and protections necessary to support an aging population, reflecting on best practices and legislative advancements in various jurisdictions. The section on mediation focuses on alternative dispute resolution methods, emphasizing the importance of mediation in alleviating the burden on traditional court systems and fostering amicable settlements. It presents a nuanced view of how different countries implement and benefit from mediation practices. The discourse on administrative justice explores the efficiency, transparency, and fairness of administrative procedures, offering insights into how different legal systems manage public administration and safeguard citizens’ rights. Through a comparative approach, this book provides readers with a broad understanding of how various countries tackle similar legal issues, offering valuable lessons and potential solutions applicable across different legal landscapes.

“In legibus fundamentum rei publicae” is an insightful resource for legal professionals, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in contemporary legal issues and comparative legal studies. It is highly recommended for those seeking a deeper understanding of legal developments and the dynamic interplay between law and society in the modern world.

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