Hominum causa omne ius constitutum sit

“Hominum causa omne ius constitutum sit” is a publication edited by Prof. Marcin Wielec, Prof. Paweł Sobczyk and PhD Bartłomiej Oręziak available through the Publishing House of the Institute of Justice.

The presented monograph is the result of collaboration undertaken by eminent researchers from Poland and Hungary within the framework of the Polish-Hungarian Research Platform 2022. As part of this innovative project, the researchers were divided into teams that focused on analyzing the following topics:

1 Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence:

2. Reform of the Administrative Judiciary

3. Legal Protection of Older People.

4. Mediation in Court Proceedings

The monograph addresses key topics such as judicial protection in administrative matters, legal regulations concerning the elderly, mediation in criminal cases, and the application of artificial intelligence in law. Thanks to the bilateral perspective, readers have the opportunity to learn about legal solutions used in both Poland and Hungary, as well as references to other legal systems. This publication is a valuable source of knowledge for all those interested in modern trends in law. It offers a broad overview of current research and legal practices, making it an invaluable tool for scholars, lawyers, and those involved in the theory and practice of law. „Hominum causa omne ius constitutum sit” is a must-read for anyone who wishes to delve into contemporary legal challenges and discover innovative legal solutions in the context of Polish-Hungarian cooperation.

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