The Interaction of National Economic Governance with the EU Integration and Contested Areas

Start of the event

2023. 10. 26.

End of the event

2023. 10. 27.


CEA, Hungary

On 26-27 October 2023, the Central European Academy organised a conference entitled "The Interaction of National Economic Governance with the EU Integration and Contested Areas", with the cooperation of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Miskolc, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Comparative Law Association.

The Economic Governance research project examined the economic aspects of governance, including its fiscal (public finance, taxation and state aid) and monetary policy pillars. The specificity of the research project was that it not only analysed the above issues from a general, theoretical perspective, but also took into account the specificities of the Central and Eastern European countries and the EU legal position. The Central and Eastern European perspective has been developed on a country-by-country basis (7 EU Member States and 1 non-EU country), but the research project was primarily aimed at drawing general conclusions from the observation of national specificities. This approach allowed the identification and presentation of similarities and differences in the positions of the Member States and between the Member States and the EU. The research also aimed to highlight the advantages and challenges of supranationality in the field of economic policy, in particular with regard to the coordination of EU and Member States' objectives.

Programme of the event:

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János Ede Szilágyi
Agnieszka Mikos-Sitek
Nagy Zoltán
Dušan Popović
Michal Radvan
Nataša Žunić Kovačević
Károlyi Balázs
Ádám Pál
Miroslav Štrkolec
Rado Bohinc
György Marinkás
Varga Zoltán


Katarzyna Zombory
György Marinkás
Balázs Károlyi


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