The Evaluation Methods of the Scientific Quality of Publications and Journals in the Field of Jurisprudence in the Central European Region

Start of the event

2022. 01. 28.

End of the event

2022. 01. 28.



On 28 January 2022, the Central European Academy organizes a conference entitled "The Evaluation Methods of the Scientific Quality of Publications and Journals in the Field of Jurisprudence in the Central European Region", in cooperation with the Central European Comparative Law Association and the Hungarian Comparative Law Association. 

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Katarzyna Zombory
Zoltán Nagy
Bojan Tubić
Frane Staničić
Janja Hojnik
Michal Radvan
Ondrej Hamuľák
Michal Maslen
Lilla Garayová
Piotr Stec
Mircea Dan Bob
János Ede Szilágyi


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