The Central European Academy 2024 organised a conference entitled "Specific Central European Aspects of Economic Governance" between 1 and 2 February 2024, organised by the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Miskolc, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Comparative Law Association.
The economic governance research project looked at the economic aspects of governance, including the fiscal (public finance, taxation and state aid) and monetary policy pillars. The research project is specific in the sense that it does not only look at these issues from a general, theoretical perspective, but also takes into account the specific perspectives of the Central and Eastern European countries, as well as the EU legal position. The Central and Eastern European perspective is broken down by country (7 EU Member States and 1 non-EU Member State), but the research project aimed to draw general conclusions from the observation of national specificities.
This approach has made it possible to identify similarities and differences between the positions of Member States and between Member States and the EU. Consequently, the reasons for possible divergences can be identified. The aim of the research was to shed light on the benefits and challenges of supranationalism in the field of economic policy, in particular with regard to the coordination of EU and Member States' objectives.
The previous event in the series is available here:

Photo: CEA Press
*The event is private and by invitation only.