Migration Challenges – Legal Responses in General Terms

Start of the event

2023. 10. 19.

End of the event

2023. 10. 20.


CEA, Hungary

On October 19-20, 2023, the Central European Academy organised a conference entitled "Migration Challenges - Legal Responses in General Terms", with the cooperation of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Miskolc, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Comparative Law Association.

The main areas to be assessed are:

Clarifying terminology: the concepts of 'refugee' and 'migrant'. The interpretative framework is the interpretation of the UN Refugee Convention, with particular reference to illegal entry and the principle of non-refoulement. The case law of the Council of Europe and in particular the European Court of Human Rights. European Court of Human Rights from a Central European perspective on migration-related issues. 

I. comparative jurisprudence: the question of EU and national competences: asylum law versus migration law, further development of the related jurisprudence of national constitutional courts. 

Comparative law II: The role of constitutional courts in relation to migration and asylum law. 

Evaluation of the EU's action since 2015: theory and practice, the issue of double standards. The concept of "safe third country". 

Programme of the event:


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János Szilágyi Ede
Marcin Wielec
Frane Staničić
Gregor Maucec
Dalibor Đukić
Ľudmila Elbert
Bartłomiej Oręziak
Nóra Béres
Anikó Raisz
Kateřina Frumarová
Mateusz Tchórzewski
Kruzslicz Péter Pál
Aleksandra Syryt
Lilla Berkes


Katarzyna Zombory
Marcin Wielec
Bartłomiej Oręziak
Mateusz Tchórzewski


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