Annual Scientific Conference of the Central European Academy

Start of the event

2023. 09. 21.

End of the event

2023. 09. 22.


Budapest, Krisztina krt. 41-43.

On 21-22 September 2023, the Central European Academy organised its second annual scientific conference, ASCEA (Annual Scientific Conference of the Central European Academy), in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Miskolc, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Comparative Law Association. The conference aims to provide a platform for outstanding young scholars from the Central European region to discuss the most relevant and topical legal issues of the region with the next generation of legal scholars.

Exchanging views on innovative and well-functioning regulatory measures and good practice will contribute to a higher level of cooperation between neighbouring countries and allow participants to develop a common, central European approach to emerging legal challenges.

The conference consisted of a number of thematic panels, each of which was organised by a PhD student in the Central European Comparative Law Ph.D. programme of the Ferenc Deák School of Law and Political Sciences and a trainee researcher of the Central European Academy. Topics covered included adoption, consumer protection, energy and water law, environmental and climate protection, EU law, international and national criminal law, labour and social law, contract law, property law, space law, and current issues in tax law.

Programme of the conference:

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Barzó Tímea
János Ede Szilágyi
Márta Benyusz
Enikő Krajnyák
Marcin Wielec
Bartosz Rakoczy
Petar Bačić
Anita Klimas
Julia Starybrat
Antoni Piechocki
Agnieszka Tomczewska
Joanna Tomczuk
Wojciech Miroń
Joanna Klimczak
Zbigniew Więckowski
Mariusz Książek
Jakab Nagy
Tena Konjević
Marianna Russo
Melinda Kocsis


Paweł Sobczyk
Marek Bielecki
Konrad Walczuk
Joanna Klimczak,
Nóra Jakab
Nóra Béres
Attila Horváth
Márta Benyusz
Zsófia Biró
Anikó Raisz
Erika Csemáné Váradi
János Ede Szilágyi
Ágnes Juhász
Julianna Sára Traser
Bartłomiej Oręziak
Attila Dudás
Michal Radvan


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