Codification of civil law: assessment, reforms, options

Start of the event

2023. 05. 18.

End of the event

2023. 05. 19.


Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The Hungarian Civil Code was adopted 10 years ago. The Code builds strongly on tradition, but where necessary it has chosen the path of renewal and innovation. In Hungary, several events are taking place to evaluate the experience of the application of the Civil Code.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the introduction of the Hungarian Civil Code, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Central European Academy and the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law "Codification of civil law: assessment, reforms, options" is organising an international conference 18-19 May 2023to which you are cordially invited.

The aim of the conference is to review the current state of private law codification, the reforms of the last decades, the current challenges and the planned reforms in some European countries.

Programme of the conference:

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Dr. Róbert Répássy
Prof. Dr. Lajos Vékás
Prof. Dr. Johannes Michael Rainer
Prof. Dr. Emőd Veress
Prof. Dr. Christiana Fountoulakis
Prof. Dr. Attila Dudás
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Josipović
Prof. Dr. Anatol Dutta
Prof. Dr. Claudio Scognamiglio
Prof. Dr. Attila Menyhárd
Prof. Dr. Tímea Dr. Heinerné Barzó
Prof. Dr. Miha Juhart
Prof. Dr. Meliha Povlakić
Prof. Dr. Hugh Beale
Dr. Harry Runia
Prof. Dr. Javier Plaza
Prof. Dr. Martin Schauer
Doc. JUDr. Milan Hulmák
Doc. JUDr. Filip Melzer
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Cerqueira
Prof. Dr. Lukas Rass-Masson
Prof. Dr. Radu Rizoiu
Dr. Hlusák Milan
Prof. Dr. Piotr Stec


Prof. Dr. János Ede Szilágyi
Prof. Dr. Attila Menyhárd
Prof. Dr. Fazekas Judit
Prof. Dr. Emőd Veress
Prof. Dr. Hugh Beale
Prof. Dr. Ádám Boóc
Prof. Dr. Kecskés László


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