Hungarian Association for Comparative Law

The Hungarian Comparative Law Association (MÖJE) was founded in 2020 and is active in academic activities and research. In carrying out its activities, the Association's members participate in and give presentations at academic and professional conferences and other events. The members of the Association regularly carry out scientific research and make the results of their work available to the public in scientific form, and may also publish a scientific journal and other publications. All these activities are carried out at national and international level.

Central European Association for Comparative Law

The association was created in 2021. The objectives of the Association are: to carry out comparative legal research and studies in the fields of private law, public law, EU law and international law, focusing on the Central European region, to provide suggestions and opinions to the academic community, international organisations and public bodies (in particular legislators and practitioners) of the countries of the Central European region, with a particular focus on the promotion and development of the application of certain legal instruments at home and abroad.

Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law

The Institute was founded in 2019 and is named after Ferenc Mádl, an academician, emblematic figure of Hungarian comparative law, internationally renowned legal scholar and President of the Republic. In setting up the Ferenc Mádl Institute for Comparative Law (MFI), the Swiss Institute for Comparative Law, which is part of the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Institute of Justice of the Polish Ministry of Justice, the Hellenic Institute of International and Foreign Law and, in certain respects, the Max Planck Institute, served as important models for the comparative law institutes already operating in other countries. In addition to the use of foreign examples, when setting up the MFI, emphasis was also placed on ensuring that the Institute reflected Hungarian national priorities and specificities, both in its spirit and in the tasks it undertook and the staff and infrastructure it developed in this context.

Insitute of Justice in Warsaw

The Institute of Justice in Warsaw is a state department under the Ministry of Justice, which conducts scientific and research activities in the field of the creation, application, axiology and social functioning of law, as well as in the field of crime and social pathology. The Institute was created in 1990 by the merger of two research units that had previously operated separately: the Institute of Legal Studies in Justice and the Institute of Criminal Problems of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Romanian Association for Comparative Law

Romanian Association for Comparative Law

The Romanian Association for Comparative Law is a Romanian registered legal entity established in 2020 for the purpose of bringing together researchers and university faculty members active in the field of comparative law. The members of the association conduct research in this field, which the association aims to aid by concentrating the necessary human and material resources to further the objectives of legal comparison in general, and the development of Romanian private law in particular.

Scientific Assiociation For Comparative Law, Poland

The Scientific Society of Legal Comparatistics is a voluntary, self-governing, permanent association of scholars concerned with the study of law, with a particular focus on the Central European region, from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.

The association is motivated by the idea of cooperation between researchers and various universities and scientific units at home and abroad. It is also a place for the exchange of views - an initiative that has brought many people together across differences.

Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Researches in Serbia

Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Researches in Serbia

The Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Research in Serbia, established in 2020, is a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to advancing scientific research and promoting international academic collaboration in the realm of comparative law. The Association’s key objectives include promoting and fortifying research excellence in comparative law, improving the analysis of legal systems and practices, fostering the dissemination of research findings through publications and conferences, and facilitating extensive scientific cooperation, with a particular emphasis on strengthening academic ties within Central European countries.

Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc

The Faculty of Law was established as the fourth law faculty of the country and started its state and law studies in 1981. Over the decades, it has proven itself to be a high-profile, wide-ranging, wide-ranging training among legal faculties. High-level education is guaranteed by our recognized professors at home and internationally. We are also proud of our students. Our graduates have a high position in the fields of justice, public administration, university education, public and private sectors, both in Hungary and abroad.


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