Professor profile


Bartosz Majchrzak is an assistant professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland, where he leads the Department of Administrative and Environmental Law in the Faculty of Law and Administration. He is also a professor at the Polish Institute of Justice and a practicing lawyer. Bartosz Majchrzak has also served for 10 years as the Chief Assistant Judge at the Polish Constitutional Court. Additionally, he was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw from 2018 to 2020.
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His areas of expertise include administrative law, with a focus on administrative procedures; construction law; environmental law; planning law and spatial development; intergovernmental relations; and the axiology of legal systems.
Afiliation: University Professor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
B. Majchrzak

Prof. UKSW Dr. Bartosz Majchrzak

More about work

He was a member of the research group ‘Constitutional framework for the protection of future generations and the environment’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2022. He was a member of the research group ‘The international concept of the rule of law’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2023.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
He is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Constitutional Protection of the Environment and Future Generations (2022), (b) Supranational Interpretation of the Rule of Law (2024). He is the author of scientific articles published in the following scientific journal(s) of the CEA Publishing: (a) Central European Journal of Comparative Law.

Book chapters

Constitutional Protection of the Environment and Future Generations

Poland: One of the Most Protected Values of the Constitution and it’s Limited Conceptualization in the Practice of the Constitutional Court



Bartosz Majchrzak: Constitutional Framework for Planning Acts as Legal Forms of Administration’s Activity in Environmental Protection (on the Example of Poland)


Conference presentations

B. Majchrzak – Sanctions Related to the Mechanisms Set Forth in Art. 7 TEU

B. Majchrzak – Constitutional Framework for Planning Acts as Legal Forms

B. Majchrzak – Environmental protection in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Other results

Is the breach of the rule of law gradable?

Is the breach of the rule of law gradable? – selected comments against the background of Article 7 TEU

Rule of law in public administration

Bartosz Majchrzak: Rule of law in public administration (in the light of the ’Handbook for Monitoring Administrative Justice’

Suggested amendments

Bartosz Majchrzak: Does the Polish Constitution optimally protect the environment? Suggested amendments

Bartosz Majchrzak

Bartosz Majchrzak: Does the Polish Constitution provide for a public subjective right to a clean (healthy) environment?

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