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Professor profile


Miroslav Štrkolec is a Full Professor of law in the Faculty of Law at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia. In his pedagogical and scientific work, he focuses mainly on tax and financial law. He also teaches tax and financial law and participates in clinical legal education. His research has focused on many topics, including security institutes in tax administration, tax evasion, tax fraud, and, recently, the taxation of crypto assets. In these areas, he regularly lectures at domestic and foreign scientific conferences and has published scientific studies, monographs, and university textbooks. He has also worked as an attorney (2007–2019) and an advisor to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic (2008–2019). Currently, he participates in the education of legal trainees and is a member of selection commissions for judges in the Slovak Republic.
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He has been a member of several international scientific organisations, including the European Association of Tax Law Professors in Amsterdam (since 2020), the International Centre of Public Finance and Tax Law Research based at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok (since 2013), and the Centre for Local Government Law and Local Finance Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk (since 2022).
Research group:

Economic Governance

Prof. Dr. Miroslav Štrkolec

Prof. Dr. Miroslav Štrkolec

More about work

He was a member of the research group ‘Economic governance’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2023.
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He is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Regulation of Public Finances in Light of Financial Constitutionality: Analysis on Certain Central and Eastern European Countries (2022), (b) Economic Governance: The Impact of the European Union on Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Central European Countries (2024).

Conference presentations

M. Štrkolec and A. Vartašová – Local Taxes in Slovakia – An Effective Source of Local Government…

M. Štrkolec – National Bank of Slovakia as a Part of European System of Central Banks and the…

Other results

Specific Central European Aspects of Economic Governance

Specific Central European Aspects of Economic Governance

Specific Central European Aspects

Specific Central European Aspects of Economic Governance

The Interaction of National Economic Governance with the EU Integration and Contested Areas

The Interaction of National Economic Governance with the EU Integration and Contested Areas

The Interaction of National Economic Governance

The Interaction of National Economic Governance with the EU Integration and Contested Areas

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