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Professor profile


Giacinto della Cananea is a public lawyer, his research interests include administrative law and European Union law, and he focuses on three areas: the comparative law of administrative procedures, the methodology of comparative law, and budgetary law and the control of public administration. He holds a PhD in European Law (European University Institute, Florence) and has published numerous books and articles in the world’s leading journals in English and French, including six monographs, the most recent of which is Due Process of Law Beyond the State: Requirements of the administrative procedure (OUP, 2017). In addition, he has edited 15 books, the most recent being the Research Handbook of European Administrative Law published by Hart in 2017 (together with Carol Harlow and Paivi Leino).
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In Italy, he has been a full professor of law since 2001, currently teaching at Bocconi University, and has taught EU law at the University of Frankfurt (1999) and Duke Law School (2007), as well as legal pluralism at Yale Law School (2013). In addition, he was elected to several positions by the Italian government and parliament, including to the Board of Directors of the Court of Auditors (2013-2017).
Prof. Dr. Giacinto della Cananea

Prof. Dr. Giacinto della Cananea

More about work

He was a member of the research group ‘Constitutional Identity and Relations between the EU Law and the Domestic Law of Member States’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2022. He was a member of the research group ‘The Future of Coexistence in the European Union’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2023.
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He is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Common Values and Constitutional Identities : Can Separate Gears Be Synchronised? (2023), (b) Coexistence in the European Union (2024). He is the author of scientific articles published in the following scientific journal(s) of the CEA Publishing: (a) Central European Journal of Comparative Law.

Book chapters

The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age

Italy and the European Union: A Legal Analysis


Conference presentations

G. D. Cananea – Federalism VS Coexistance? – Thinking Outside of the Box

G. della Cananea – EU law and domestic law in Italy: from separation to integration

Other results

Nation, state and sovereignty

Theoretical and practical aspects of constitutional identity

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