Professor profile


Marek Bielecki, PhD – is Polish lawyer and University Professor, canonist, habilitated doctor at law. He specialises in ecclesiastical law, canon law and children’s rights. He is currently employed at the Faculty of Law and Administration, War Studies University in Warsaw, where he holds the position of Vice-Dean for Science, and at the Institute of Justice. A member of many scientific associations and societies, since 2018 he has held the position of the President of Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Wyznaniowego (Polish Ecclesiastical Law Society), and since 2011 – „Vice President of the „Prawo na drodze Association” (“Law on the Road Association”). He is the author of over one hundred scientific publications on law and canon law.
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Prof. ASzWoj Dr. Marek Bielecki

Prof. ASzWoj Dr. Marek Bielecki

More about work

He was a member of the research group ‘Demographic Challenges – legal responses’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2023. He is a member of the research group ‘Assisted Reproductive Technologies’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2024.
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He is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Demographic Challenges in Central Europe: Legal and Family Policy Response (2024). He is the author of scientific articles published in the following scientific journal(s) of the CEA Publishing: (a) Law, Identity and Values.

Book chapters

Christian Ethics Promoting Factors of the Traditional Model of the Family, With Special Regard to Canon Law


Conference presentations

M. Bielecki – The Good of the Family in Joint Activities of the State and the Church

M. Bielecki – Family Protection in Christian Ethnics and Canon Law

M. Bielecki: The presence of religious symbols in the Polish educational law

Other results

The principle of the good of the child

The principle of the good of the child in the activities of the State and the Church

The concern of the state

Marek Bielecki: The concern of the state and other entities for the well-being of the family

Demographic challenges

Marek Bielecki: Demographic challenges

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