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Professor profile


Péter Kruzslicz is the head of department at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Political Science and Law. He obtained his law degree (dr. jur.) at the University of Szeged, as well as a master’s degree in European law at the Jean Moulin Lyon 3rd University. He also continued his doctoral studies at these two universities and obtained a doctorate in public law. He gives lectures on comparative constitutional law and European law in the above mentioned institutions in Hungarian, English and French.
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His research focuses on the intersection of constitutional law and European law (national sovereignty, constitutional identity), he is interested in legal issues related to migration and deals with institutional issues, especially democratic challenges. He participates in numerous international research projects and publishes in Hungarian, French and English.
Dr. Péter Kruzslicz

Dr. Péter Kruzslicz

More about work

He was a member of the research group ‘Constitutional protection of national symbols’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2022.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
He is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Constitutional and Legal Protection of State and National Symbols in Central Europe (2022), (b) Comparative Constitutionalism in Central Europe: Analysis on Certain Central and Eastern European Countries (2022). He is the author of scientific articles published in the following scientific journal(s) of the CEA Publishing: (a) Law, identity and Values, (b) Central European Journal of Comparative Law.

Book chapters

Constitutional and Legal Protectionof State and National Symbols in Central Europe

Legal Protection of State, Nationaland Community Symbols in Hungary



Péter Pál Kruzslicz: History by and for a National Constitution:


Conference presentations

P. P. Kruzslicz – Efficiency in Protection of Rights and Frontiers: Hungarian Law and Practice of…

P. Kruzslicz – History in, by and for Constitutional Law

P. Kruzslicz – Separation of powers

Other results

Nation, state and sovereignty

Discussion About the Constitutional Functions

Péter Kruzslicz: Discussion About the Constitutional Functions of National and State Symbols

Research Seminar About National and State Symbols

Péter Kruzslicz: Research Seminar About National and State Symbols

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