Professor profile
Kateřina Frumarová is an Associate Professor of administrative law at the Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc, and the head of the Department of Administrative Law and Financial Law. In her academic, publication, and teaching activities, Kateřina Frumarová focuses on issues related to administrative law, administrative penal law, and administrative justice. She is the author or co-author of monographs, textbooks, and more than 100 articles and contributions. She is a member of the permanent committee of the National Accreditation Authority of the Czech Republic and also serves as an external evaluator.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Additionally, she works as an external evaluator for the Czech Government Office regarding research, development, and innovation outcomes.
Affiliation: Associate Professor, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Research group: Migration Challenges

Dr. Kateřina Frumarová
More about work
She was a member of the research group ‘Constitutional Identity and Relations between the EU Law and the Domestic Law of Member States’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2022.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
She was a member of the research group ‘Migration challenges – legal responses’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2023. She is a member of the research group ‘EU Enlargement and Successful Integration’ in the Central European Professors’ Network 2024.
She is author in the following books of the CEA Publishing: (a) Constitutional and Legal Protection of State and National Symbols in Central Europe (2022), Migration and Central Europe (2024). She is the author of scientific articles published in the following scientific journal(s) of the CEA Publishing: (a) Law, Identity and Values, (b) Central European Journal of Comparative Law.
Book chapters

Legal Protection of State, National and Community Symbolsin the Czech Republic
Kateřina Frumarová: Symbols of National Minorities in the Czech Republic, Their Use, and Legal Protection

Conference presentations
K. Frumarová – Reform of the Dublin System
K. Frumarová – Czech Republic – Necessity of Specialised Human Rights Institutions
K. Frumarová – The (in)functionality of Dublin Syste
K. Frumarová – Symbols of Territorial Self-Gevrning Units in the Czech Republic
K. Frumarová – Legal protection of state, national and community symbols in the Czech Republic
Other results
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