Constitutional protection of the environment and future generations

More about the research objective

The research team's starting point is that one of the most challenging environmental problems of the 21st century requires, in addition to political will, appropriate financial frameworks and a number of other supporting factors, appropriate legal frameworks, solutions and institutions. Addressing environmental problems effectively requires a comprehensive approach that integrates the different dimensions of governance and social engagement.
The main research area of the research group focuses on the brief legal history and international framework of environmental protection, including an examination of how environmental law has evolved over time and an understanding of the international agreements and protocols that shape current environmental policies. By analysing these frameworks, the research team aims to identify gaps in the legal structures governing environmental protection and opportunities for improvement. The research team is also committed to exploring the right to a healthy environment and the protection of future generations within national constitutional frameworks. This involves examining how different countries incorporate environmental rights into their constitutions and how these provisions affect national policies and practices. The group will examine the role of constitutional jurisdiction, analysing how courts interpret and enforce environmental rights and obligations. The research will also delve into the institutions dealing with environmental protection, assessing their effectiveness and making recommendations for their improvement where necessary. The research team members will seek to outline constitutional practices in the field of environmental protection through a comparative analysis of different national approaches. They will examine successful case studies and identify good practices that can be adapted and applied in other contexts. The group will also examine de lege ferenda proposals, which are suggestions for future legislation or legal reform. By examining these proposals, the research group aims to contribute to the development of more robust and effective environmental legislation. They aim to provide actionable recommendations that policy makers can use to strengthen environmental efforts. In summary, the research team's comprehensive approach not only involves understanding the current legal and institutional environment for environmental protection, but also advocates for future improvements. By addressing the multifaceted challenges across legal, financial and institutional frameworks, the team aims to support the creation of a sustainable and healthy environment for current and future generations.
Constitutional protection of the environment and future generations

Professors in the research group

group leader



The publishing house's mainly English-language books and journals help to build dialogue between the national scientific communities of the Central European region, and enable high quality scientific output to be disseminated outside the region.

Constitutional Protection of the Environment and Future Generations
János Ede Szilágyi

Constitutional Protection of the Environment and Future Generations : Legislation and Practice in Certain Central European Countries



Frane Stanicic: Public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Croatia

Sanja Savcic: Intellectual Property Law Aspects of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Where Is the Line Between Public and Private Interests?

Michal Radvan: New Charges on Communal Waste in the Czech Republic

Michal Maslen: Waste management and its possible development in the Slovak Republic

Bartosz Majchrzak: Constitutional Framework for Planning Acts as Legal Forms of Administration’s Activity in Environmental Protection (on the Example of Poland)

Enikő Krajnyák: The Role and Activity of the Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Ombudsman for Future Generations in Shaping Environmental Protection in Hungary

Our conferences

On 24 November 2022, the next international conference of the "Central European Professors' Network 2022" 'Protection of Future Generation in Central Europe: Good [...]

On 26 May 2022, the next international conference of the "Central European Professors' Network 2022" took place in Budapest, at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, [...]

Other results

Civil Law Aspects of Environmental Protection

Sanja Savčić: Civil Law Aspects of Environmental Protection

Ecological Tools in Tax Law

Michal Radvan: Ecological Tools in Tax Law

The 10th MUNLawS Model

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Suggested amendments

Bartosz Majchrzak: Does the Polish Constitution optimally protect the environment? Suggested amendments

Bartosz Majchrzak

Bartosz Majchrzak: Does the Polish Constitution provide for a public subjective right to a clean (healthy) environment?


Frane Staničić: Interview

Protection of Environment

Vasilka Sancin: Protection of Environment in Constitutional frameworks of certain Central European countries

Protectionof Environment in Constitutional frameworks

Miha Juhart: Protectionof Environment in Constitutional frameworks of certain Central European countries

Right to information of environmental matters: is it overregulated or underregulated?

Sanja Savčić: Right to information of environmental matters: is it overregulated or underregulated?

EU Green Policy – Law, Finance and Innovation

Michal Radvan: EU Green Policy – Law, Finance and Innovation

Current Challenges of Environmental Law

Enikő Krajnyák – Current Challenges of Environmental Law from a Human Rights Perspective

Approaches in Environmental Protection

Frane Staničić: Approaches in Environmental Protection

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