Constitutional protection of national symbols 

More about the research objective

The research team will examine the legal history and constitutional regulation of state, national and community symbols. Within this context, it deals with the protection of state symbols (anthem, flag, coat of arms and other symbols) at the level of criminal, civil and administrative law, and focuses on the protection of national symbols and broader elements of identity that are important for national identity.
The legal protection of symbols of communities with the same identity is examined from the constitutional, criminal, administrative and civil law perspectives, taking into account both legislation and administrative and judicial practice. 
Constitutional protection of national symbols

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The publishing house's mainly English-language books and journals help to build dialogue between the national scientific communities of the Central European region, and enable high quality scientific output to be disseminated outside the region.

Constitutional and Legal Protectionof State and National Symbols in Central Europe
Zoltán J. Tóth

Constitutional and Legal Protectionof State and National Symbols in Central Europe



Zoltán J. Tóth: Theories on Sovereignty

Benjamin Flander: The State Sovereignty in the Trenches: Legal Aspects of Vigilantism in Slovenia

Dalibor Đukić: Non-Territorial Autonomy and the Legal Protection of the Symbols of Religious Organizations and National Minorities in Serbia

Kateřina Frumarová: Symbols of National Minorities in the Czech Republic, Their Use, and Legal Protection

Péter Pál Kruzslicz: History by and for a National Constitution:

Ján Škrobák: Possible Future Legislative and Social Trends in the Protection of State, National, and Community Symbols in Slovakia

Aleksandra Syryt: The State Anthem as a Subject of Review in Proceedings Before the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland?

Norbert Tribl: Identity Questions and National Symbols: The Role of National Symbols in the Formation of National and Constitutional Identity

Our conferences

On 15 November 2022, the next international conference of the "Central European Professors' Network 2022" 'Nation, state and sovereignty' took place, which [...]

On June 22, 2022, the next international conference of the "Central European Professors' Network 2022" took place in Budapest, at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University

Other results

Discussion About the Constitutional Functions

Péter Kruzslicz: Discussion About the Constitutional Functions of National and State Symbols

The Meaning and Future of State and National Symbols

Aleksandra Syryt: The Meaning and Future of State and National Symbols

National and Community Symbols

Kateřina Frumarová: National and Community Symbols in the Czech Republic, Their Use and Protection

Legal protection of state

Benjamin Flander: Legal protection of state, national and community symbols in Slovenia

Regulation of the Croatian Symbols of Power

Dalibor Čepulo: Regulation of the Croatian Symbols of Power and Croatian Nation-Buildings

Legal protection of state symbols

Zoltán Tóth J.: Legal protection of state symbols

Research Seminar About National and State Symbols

Péter Kruzslicz: Research Seminar About National and State Symbols


Norbert Tribl: Synopsis

Can the Constitution be a National Symbol?

Norbert Tribl: Can the Constitution be a National Symbol?

Legal Protection of State and National Symbols in Poland

Aleksandra Syryt: Legal Protection of State and National Symbols in Poland

Slovenian law

Benjamin Flander: 10 years since the introduction of the new Slovenian law on confiscation of assets of illicit origin

The National Symbols in Multicultural States

Dalibor Đukić: The National Symbols in Multicultural States – a Case of Serbia

National Symbols of the Czech Republic

Kateřina Frumarová: National Symbols of the Czech Republic, Their Use and Protection

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