The International Concept of the Rule of Law

More about the research objective

The supranationalisation of the notion of the rule of law is embedded in the process of creating constitutional federalism in Europe, through the instruments of soft and hard law. The current institutional and normative framework of the European Union allows for the pursuit of the EU's accelerating constitutional federalism. This process necessarily entails certain limitations on national sovereignty, and this is likely to continue in the future as the interpretation of the rule of law is increasingly supranational.
In this research, we will examine the different conceptions of the rule of law developed by different supranational institutions, the legal basis for interpreting such conceptions, the mechanisms of control and the sanctioning regimes associated with such processes. The enforcement of supranational interpretations of the rule of law is of particular interest in the light of the fact that states have not explicitly delegated powers in this respect.
Federalism Vs Coexistence

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The Supranational Interpretation of the Rule of Law



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The conference was attended by members of the Central European Academy's Professorial Network on the Supranational Interpretation of the Rule of Law, which was [...]

The conference "Interpreting the rule of law in Central Europe in the light of the supranational concept of the rule of law", to be held on 12-13 October 2023, aims to bring together [...]

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Supranational Interpretation

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The Rule of Law in the Contemporary Society

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Rule of Law in Slovenia and Beyond

Benjamin Flander: Rule of Law in Slovenia and Beyond

European Semester

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