Demographic challenges - legal responses

More about the research objective

The research objectives of the group are to examine the macroeconomic effects of demographic change; to identify the place of families and family policy in overcoming the demographic crisis; to review the challenges of family policy and the family policy landscape in Central Europe; and to examine the role of family law and health law in protecting families and children and promoting childbearing to improve demographic problems.
The team is supported by 10 "external" researchers from Poland (1), Hungary (7), Spain (1), Serbia (1), and Spain (1).
Demographic Issues and Solutions in Europe

Professors in the research group

group leader



The publishing house's mainly English-language books and journals help to build dialogue between the national scientific communities of the Central European region, and enable high quality scientific output to be disseminated outside the region.

Demograpich Challenges in Central Europe: Legal and Family Policy Response



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Our conferences

On 22-23 February 2024, the Central European Academy organised a conference entitled "Normative aspects of family protection and family development -international perspective" at the [...]

On 5-6 October 2023, the Central European Academy organised a conference entitled "Demographic Issues and Solutions in Europe" at the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law and [...]

Other results

The concern of the state

Marek Bielecki: The concern of the state and other entities for the well-being of the family

family and demography

Paweł Sobczyk: Conference on Family and Demography in Central Europe

Children as Patients

Suzana Kraljić: Children as Patients – Selected Patient Care Issues, Right to Information and Consent for Minor

Contemporary problems

Marek Andrzejewski: Contemporary problems of the Polish family

family policy

Aleksandra Korać Graovac: Interim maintenance – a family policy measure or charity?

Demographic Yearbook

Marek Andrzejewski: Demographic Yearbook – the saddest Polish book, or challenges for pedagogy

Demographic Problem

Paweł Sobczyk: Legal Ways to Solve Demographic Problem in Europe

Demographic challenges

Marek Bielecki: Demographic challenges

Posthumous Fertilization

Gordana Kovacek Stanic: Posthumous Fertilization: Legal Challenges

Helping Families

Emese Florian, Marius Floare: Helping Families Grow Through Statutory Intervention

Children’s Right to Play

Suzana Kraljic: Children’s Right to Play – New Challenges in the Digital Age

Challenges of Medically Assisted Reproduction

Aleksandra Korać Graovac: Challenges of Medically Assisted Reproduction – Legal Developments in the Republic of Croatia

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