My name is László Mezey, I am 25 years old, and I’ve graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences from Péter Pázmány Catholic University. Throughout my studies, I have always been interested in the lesser-known, uncharted areas of law. Since I wrote my thesis on Space Law, I wanted to delve even deeper into this topic through doctoral studies. Due to the international nature of this subject and the lack of national experts of this field, I’ve aimed to find an organisation where I could research this topic from an international comparative law perspective. After considering various options, a senior student recommended me the Junior Program, which not only offered a PhD program but also an internship opportunity with international colleagues and numerous professional opportunities.
How was the application process?
The application process was logical and smooth; however, finding supervisors for my uniquely complex topic was the biggest challenge. The CEA itself assisted in searching and finding experts in this topic, consequently I was able to apply for the program with the support of my two supervisors (one Hungarian and one Polish). The August open day, the admission interview, and finally, the junior camp in Miskolc all reinforced my belief that the Academy offers a unique professional opportunity within the country.
How did the move go?
Fortunately, I did not have to move because I live in Budapest and, moreover, close to the Academy.
Where do you see yourself in a few years' time and how will CEA help you on your way?
I consider myself more of a theoretical lawyer, so a research career is appealing to me. Undoubtedly, the greatest help is the „requirement” to attend numerous conferences organized by the CEA, lectures by invited guest speakers, and supervisor visits of my colleagues. These activities help me gain a clear understanding of the current problems and major challenges in various fields of law and provide inspiring ideas and experiences in presentation, event organization, etc.
Was there anything you were worried about before you came here?
I was mainly worried about how I wouldn't be able to focus on my own PhD topic due to the numerous conferences, lectures, travel, and office work. However, now I feel like these opportunities are what most support my progress and often provide new ideas for my research. My perspective has undoubtedly broadened by seeing various fields of law.
How is everyday life at the academy?
Each semester could be divided into more or less two periods: During the 'exam' period, we generally have to pass exams weekly, based on the material assigned for the semester. This period is about studying, office work, independent research, and attending conferences. After completing the compulsory subjects, the second period starts: The supervisor visits. During this term the supervisor of a particular collegue prepares presentations and tasks on their expert topic, on which we all attend. These lectures are often leading to interactive, exciting discussions. However throughout both periods, study trips and giving lectures are also important parts of our professional advancement.
How supportive is the CEA in professional terms?
The CEA provides maximal support in all necessary matters. Thanks to its extensive connections and supportive professor network, I haven't encountered any professional questions for which they couldn't provide some advice or solution. Moreover CEA provides us with open access to numerous legal databases, organizes study tours.
How can you also do research?
I can do research in parallel to my work here, and what helps is that the management tries to organise the tasks and the work so that everyone can work on their own topics.
In this way, my research work is supported in a concrete way, as I have the opportunity to meet interesting and professionally respected people in an environment and with a professional network that would not be possible without the CEA Junior Programme. CEA is a stepping stone in this respect.
What other opportunities does CEA offer?
In addition to language classes, we can often rely on them for organizing individual, topic-related trips abroad, thus lifting the burden of travel financing from the students' shoulders within certain limits.
How do you like living in Budapest?
Since I grew up here, I can only speak biased of the city. I believe it offers everything a PhD student could wish for: cultural programs, good transportation, beautiful surroundings, and supportive colleagues. I think it would be hard to imagine a better city for the Academy's headquarters.
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?
It is relatively difficult to see that far into the future. However, after completing my PhD, I would definitely like to both pass on the international knowledge I have gathered over these five years trough teaching as well as representing and shareing Hungary's legal and technological innovative solutions in space research on an international level.
To whom would you recommend the CEA programme?
To anyone who dares to ask questions and seek answers, who loves reading, or simply observing and listening, and to those who do not want to walk the challenging path of a PhD alone but alongside similarly aged, like-minded young people.
Is it a disadvantage that the institution is so young?
Not at all! On the contrary, it provides an opportunity for growth. Often our opinions are sought, and our involvement and assistance are valued, which not only provides us with development opportunities but also entails a certain responsibility as we help shape the institution.
What has been the best experience for you at CEA so far?
Professional relationships are the cornerstone of the Academy, as it aims to establish close professional connections, that can function years, even decades after completing the program, ans enabling us to ask our former collegues in any case when a help is needed in connection to legal task related to another country. In this sense the cultural evenings, organised by the CEA are supporting this. These programmes where establishing a platform where colleagues from Central European countries could present their own countries, perform their own songs, share their traditions, and let us taste their food, have greatly helped in creating community.
What is your message to future juniors?
Without a doubt, the CEA represents not only outstanding professionalism at the (Central) European level but also provides an exceptional opportunity to research your chosen topic alongside and under the supervision of real experts.
László (HU)