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Children's Rights Days 2.

The Ferenc Mádl Institute for Comparative Law, the Central European Academy, the Association for the Rights of the Child and the Hungarian Comparative Law Association will organise the second edition of the Children's Rights Days in Budapest between 30 November and 1 December 2023.

The conference celebrates the 45th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the impact of Poland, a Central European country.

The aim of the conference is to raise awareness of implementation gaps and to focus on the children who need it most. Therefore, this year's focus group will be on children living on the margins, and the spotlight will be on how to strengthen their rights to fully access the protection, care and participation provided by the CRC.

As last year, the two-day conference will be accompanied by an exhibition of children's work.

Patron of the event: Mrs Katalin Novák President of the Republic

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